Methods for log transforming individual parameter estimates and their uncertainty estimates for use in meta-analytic regression, and then back-transforming mean-log parameter estimates back to mean parameter estimates.
A list of UD
objects, UD
objects, or speed
Can be "area"
, "diffusion"
, "speed"
, "tau position"
, or "tau velocity"
Apply \(\log\chi^2\) and \(\log\chi\) bias corrections if TRUE
Further arguments passed.
Point estimate of the mean log-parameter.
Uncertainty in the mean log-parameter estimate (square standard error).
Variance in the log-parameters.
Uncertainty in the log-paramter variance estimate (square standard error).
Confidence level for parameter estimates.
Convert result to natural units.
returns a list with two slots, log
and VAR.log
, corresponding to the point estimates and variance estimates of the logged variables.
returns a confidence intervals for the back-transformed mean parameter estimate.
# \donttest{
# load package and data
# fit movement models
FITS <- AKDES <- list()
for(i in 1:length(buffalo))
GUESS <- ctmm.guess(buffalo[[i]],interactive=FALSE)
# use ctmm.select unless you are certain that the selected model is OUF
FITS[[i]] <- ctmm.fit(buffalo[[i]],GUESS)
# calculate AKDES on a consistent grid
AKDES <- akde(buffalo,FITS)
#> Default grid size of 3 minutes chosen for bandwidth(...,fast=TRUE).
#> Default grid size of 2 minutes chosen for bandwidth(...,fast=TRUE).
#> Default grid size of 2 minutes chosen for bandwidth(...,fast=TRUE).
#> Default grid size of 3 minutes chosen for bandwidth(...,fast=TRUE).
#> Default grid size of 2 minutes chosen for bandwidth(...,fast=TRUE).
#> Default grid size of 5 minutes chosen for bandwidth(...,fast=TRUE).
# extract 95% areas
AREAS <- lapply(AKDES,summary)
# log transform for further meta-analysis
#> log VAR.log
#> Cilla 19.77354 0.05668715
#> Gabs 20.15899 0.26192932
#> Mvubu 19.74900 0.07487245
#> Pepper 20.47721 0.06594917
#> Queen 19.90336 0.11312026
#> Toni 19.65385 0.05784754
# }